Woodstock Bus Artists Wanted

Dr. Bob Hieronimus at work on the original van, 1968
We’re excited to report that Dr. Bob has agreed to take on a few paid apprentices for the Woodstock Bus painting project. If you’re in the Baltimore area and would like to help with this epic art project here are the details.

The Woodstock Bus, Light
Hieronimus & Co. is seeking five trained artists who are also curious, warm and articulate individuals to join the painting crew as we recreate a 1963 reconditioned VW camper bus into “Light,” the Woodstock Bus starting late summer 2018.
Dr. Bob Hieronimus has been searching for the original Woodstock Bus he painted in 1968 that became a symbol of the Woodstock Festival after its famous photographs by the Associated Press, Rolling Stone and Life Magazine were reprinted in countless newspaper articles and CD retrospectives. Unable to locate the original, Hieronimus & Co. are now in the process of recreating a new Woodstock Bus with the same design on a refurbished model of the same vintage.
The entire process will be filmed for a documentary tentatively called “Finding the Light” for the 50th anniversary of the Woodstock Festival in 2019.
In addition to being trained painters, applicants must be willing to appear on camera. They must be curious about the occult symbols in the Hieronimus design and agree to study materials assigned so they are competent to speak about them and their meanings on camera.
Location of the project is a barn in Owings Mills. Expected time frame of the painting job is from approximately August 1, 2018-September 30, 2018.

Responsibilities and Expectations
•Ability to work in cramped positions for hours at a time, including some scaffolding work for the roof of the bus.
•Flexibility and willingness to work with any and all materials as needed for unexpected revisions to the bus as repairs are made.
•Punctuality and dedication to the project are a must. Cell phones packed away during work hours, accessible only at break times.
•Articulate and easy speaker and good on-camera presence.
•Willingness to study written materials on the history of the original bus and the interpretation of the symbols and messages it tells, and ability to reinterpret same for the documentary.
•Experience painting art cars is helpful, but not necessary
•Patience is required. Artists will have many learning sessions with Dr. Bob Hieronimus and update meetings throughout the production. Applicants will be held to a high standard throughout and must be willing to abide by and follow his vision.
•Experience in painting, trained in the fine arts.
•Experience with or open to learning basic esoteric symbolism and ageless wisdom teachings
•Ability to enjoy being filmed while working.
Pay is a $15 an hour, plus a line credit as contributing artist in the documentary film and related websites and promotional materials.
To Apply: Please send a resume and portfolio to Bob Hieronimus at bob@21stcenturyradio.com.
Hieronimus & Co. is committed to building a diverse community of staff, interns and artists. Individuals from all groups are encouraged to apply.